teflow.ztdev module

teflow.ztdev.cal_Phi(u, S, T)

Calculate thermoelectric potential Phi.

  • u (float | ndarray) – The relative current density, in 1/V.

  • S (float | ndarray) – Seebeck coefficient, in uV/K.

  • T (float | ndarray) – Temperature, in K.


Thermoelectric potential (Phi) in V.


float | ndarray

teflow.ztdev.cal_Yita(u, datas, allTemp=False)

Calculate Yita under given TE datas and initial u.

  • u (float) – The relative current density, in 1/V.

  • datas (list | ndarray) – TE datas like [T, C, S, K], which are in K, S/cm, uV/K, and W/(m.K), respectively. The temperature values must increase monotonically.

  • allTemp (bool, optional) – Whether to return conversion efficiencies of other temperature points in addition to the highest temperature point. Default value is False.


Efficiency (Yita) in %.


float | ndarray

teflow.ztdev.cal_ZTdev(Yita, Tc, Th)

Calculate ZTdev under a given Yita and corresponding temperatures at cold and hot sides.

  • Yita (float | ndarray) – Efficiency (Yita), in %.

  • Tc (float | ndarray) – Temperature at cold side, in K.

  • Th (float | ndarray) – Temperature at hot side, in K.


Device ZT.


float | ndarray

teflow.ztdev.optim_Yita(datas, allTemp=True)

Invoke optim_u() to optimize the value of u and calculate the corresponding conversion efficiency based on the given data.

  • datas (list | ndarray) – TE datas like [T, C, S, K], which are in K, S/cm, uV/K, and W/(m.K), respectively. The temperature values must increase monotonically.

  • allTemp (bool, optional) – Whether to return conversion efficiencies of other temperature points in addition to the highest temperature point. Default value is False.


Maximum efficiency (Yita) in %.


float | ndarray

teflow.ztdev.optim_u(datas, details=False, returnYita=False)

Optimize u to maximize the last Yita.

  • datas (list | ndarray) – TE datas like [T, C, S, K], which are in K, S/cm, uV/K, and W/(m.K), respectively. The temperature values must increase monotonically.

  • details (bool, optional) – Return the actual OptimizeResult object that contains detailed optimization results (details=True), or only the solution of the optimization and/or values of objective function (details=False, default).

  • returnYita (bool, optional) – Whether to return the corresponding single-point Yita at optimal u, by default False. Note: This will only work if details=False.


Result depends on input parameters.


float | tuple | OptimizeResult

teflow.ztdev.valuate(datas_TCSK, allTemp=True)

Calculate ZTdev of given TE datas.

  • datas_TCSK (list | ndarray) – TE datas like [T, C, S, K], which are in K, S/cm, uV/K, and W/(m.K), respectively. The temperature values must increase monotonically.

  • allTemp (bool, optional) – Whether to return conversion efficiencies of other temperature points in addition to the highest temperature point. Default value is False.


A dict with below keys:

Tc: (float | ndarray) Temperature at cold side, in K.

Th: (float | ndarray) Temperature at hot side, in K.

ZTdev: (float | ndarray) Device ZT.

Yita: (float | ndarray) Optimal Yita in %.

